With 80 percent of the lithium battery value chain (e.g. cobalt, lithium, and nickel) outside the control of the United States, it is an economic priority and national security imperative to develop a novel lithium battery recycling capability.
Cool Amps’ lithium battery recycling technology enables a sustainable domestic lithium battery ecosystem by:
Lower-cost, more efficient, and greener extraction methods
Lessen costs associated with the safe shipment of end-of-life batteries.
Waste streams become a profit center
Provides supply-chain predictability
Ensures organization meets state and federal regulations
Achieving a true closed-loop supply chain will require great fidelity and insight into lithium-ion battery feedstocks and waste streams.
The Cool Amps process can identify end-of-life battery chemistries and process those chemistries into new cathode active materials.
Industries (such as defense) with a need for higher energy-dense chemistries can benefit from Cool Amps’ circularity framework.
The Cool Amps electrochemical process obviates the need to process energy-intensive black mass, which is calcined at ~800 degrees Celsius.
In addition, the co-location of this process significantly reduces material transport and associated carbon outputs.
Cool Amps’ recycling method avoids additional steps used in hydro/pyro metallurgy resulting in less energy use and lower GHG emissions per 1 kg of batteries produced.
Energy Consumption (NCA LiB)
GHG Emissions (NCA LiB)
Artisanal mining or mining by hand is a scourge to society, and very few Westerners understand the depth of this problem. Essentially every electronic device and electric vehicle battery has components derived from artisanal mining. Miners risk life and limb for dollars a day and certain long-term health outcomes. At Cool Amps we are committed to ending this practice and, in particular, we are committed to ending child labor in mining.